The Quick Response Grants will be delivered as part of the Brimbank Community Grants Program. The Grants aim to fill a gap in funding for not-for-profit community groups and organisations requiring assistance for emerging or unexpected needs, and opportunities outside of the annual Brimbank Community Grants Program timelines.
Brimbank Council will accept Quick Response Grants applications throughout the calendar year.
Applications will be assessed in:
This application form is for the following category only:
Establishment Grants
Support for new community groups including new Seniors Groups that are permanently based in Brimbank.
To be eligible, you need to be a new group established within the past two years of this application. Established community groups are ineligible to apply.
Applicants can be unincorporated at the time of application but must be able to provide evidence of incorporation and public liability insurance in their final grant's acquittal report.
Examples of approved expenses:
Incorporation and insurance costs, stationery, materials and equipment to support set up, promotion and recruitment of new members and cost of regular meeting venues.